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Puerto Montt is located at 41 degrees 28 minutes South and 72 degrees 56 minutes West, in the extreme south of Llanquihue Province, next to Seno Reloncaví, in the Lake District of Chile, South America.

Puerto Montt is the capital city of the Lake District and the Llanquihue Province, together with another eight Councils, Puerto Varas, Cochamó, Calbuco, Maullín, Los Muermos, Fresia, Llanquihue y Frutillar.

The Club Nautico Reloncaví is located al 41 degrees 29 minutes South and 72 degrees 59 minutes West, South East side of Tenglo Channel, seven kilometers from Puerto Montt, following the coast road to Chinquihue.


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Camino a Chinquihue Km. 7, Puerto Montt, Chile - South America:: Phone: (56-65) 2255022 Fax: (56-65) 2264022 Home